Baroque Lute

This page is devoted to my videos and sound files and scores for the baroque lute. I currently play an 11c lute by Scottish luthier, Bill Samson. It was made in 1984, and is entirely strung in gut strings made by Damian Dlugolecki.

French Baroque Lute

The French invented the baroque lute after a period of experimentation with different tunings. They settled on eleven course tuned to a D minor chord for the stopped strings, with various tunings for the bass strings, depending on the key of the piece.


Scottish Baroque Lute

The Balcarres manuscript (circa 1700) from the Fife region of Scotland is for the 11c lute, in four tunings, variants of Dm. The mid-17th-century Panmure 5 (north of Dundee) manuscript contains some Scottish pieces in “Harp Sharp” tuning for a 10c lute.


2 thoughts on “Baroque Lute”

  1. Charles Browne said:

    nice playing and very warm sound! Is this a Martin Shepherd lute?
    BTW, the Bach 2nd Cello suite transcription was excellent and was very ‘easy’ on the fingers. Are you transcribing any more for the 11c?
    Charles Browne

    • Sorry, Charles, I just noticed your comment! Thank you. I recorded the Bach on a Martin Shepherd 10/11c, which I subsequently sold. I also played a Malcolm Prior 13c (sold). I currently play two lutes, 10c and 11c, by Bill Samson.

      I have no intention of arranging more Bach, but you never know…

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